Looking for driving opportunities?
Why drive with us?
Job sourcing
We’ll connect you with businesses in your local area who are actively seeking delivery drivers. You choose whether to accept or decline offers.
Predictable pay
In uncertain times, you need financial security. Our pay rates are highly competitive and our driver portal lets you view and manage your payments.
Work when you want
Can you only work school hours? Don’t want to work weekends? Set your availability up front and be matched only with opportunities during these times.
Dedicated support
Our team are available to provide support on everything you need including onboarding and enrolment, payroll, insurance, and legal compliance.
Payroll & taxes
We’ll manage all things payroll related, including itemizing your income and expenses and administering weekly payment. Our online driver portal is available 24/7.
Legal & insurance
Caught up in an accident? We provide Occupational Accident Insurance designed for driver-partners and can assist with all claims.
Ready to start driving?
Are you a restaurant needing drivers?
Our partner company inhousedelivery.com can provide insured and fully screened drivers to restaurants, as part of their all-in-one driver management and dispatch solution.